
passage 1 Stay away from these (远离致命动物)
Passage 2 Jackie Chan's son Jaycee faces being 'detained for six months'      (名人吸毒)
Passage 3 Klose calls it a day for Germany (德国国足克洛泽退役)
Passage 4 Ebola kills more than humans (致命病毒埃博拉)
Passage 5 Outbreak of fear (埃博拉引发恐慌)
Passage 6 Obama leads US in remembrance of Sept 11 victims (美国911反恐纪念13周年)
Passage 7 The big freeze (冰桶挑战)
Passage 8 Alibaba jumps more than 40 percent in trading debut (阿里巴巴首次公开上市)
Passage 9‘Gutter oil’ scandal tarnishing Hong Kong’s reputation, says health secretary (食品安全:地沟油)
Passage 10 Hong Kong's Occupy Central participants urged to reflect (香港‘占中’事件)
Passage 11 Student calls for same-sex marriage (中国大学生呼吁同性恋婚姻合法化)
Passage 12 Death incites unrest (美国种族主义)
Passage 13 Police seek motive in fatal Washington state school shooting (美国校园枪击案)
Passage 14 Sitcoms mine the hardships of young adults worldwide (美剧《老友记》经典二十年)
Passage 15 APEC promises to bring new prosperity (中国通过亚太经合组织会议承诺中国将带领各成员国共同发展繁荣)
Passage 16 China, Russia pledge to strengthen cooperation (中俄承诺加强合作)
Passage 17 Travel agencies told to regulate tourist (中国将不文明旅客列入黑名单)
